Saturday, October 10, 2009

"It's just a texting relationship"

Mcguire, Judy. "Texting and your love life". 9 October. 2009.

"Can you imagine what a different movie "Casablanca" would be if, instead of suavely growling, "Here's looking at you, kid," Rick instead texted Ilsa: ;-)." This article explains the way texting has become a part of a relationship. It addresses the fact that a call means something more when texting just means "a booty call". More and more people are becoming lazy when it comes to communication in the relationship. They can ask every girl/boy if their busy that night at the same time just by picking up their phone and punching in a few words. The article makes it clear to never break up with someone over texting, its tacky and cowardly. However, Some people feel that phone conversations are awkward and they would rather have someone text them. As for emoticons, the article states that most women would rather the men leave them out.

First off, I completely agree with the emoticon thing. I find it disturbing when I'm texting a boy and he is constantly putting :) in our conversations. Honestly now, are you really smiling that much? Second, I think texting is great and I do it all the time but I hate when relationships are based off texting. Maybe I'm just old fashioned but I would much rather have a face-to-face talk with someone than text. Its hard to have a deep conversation when your just texting because you can only say so much, thus resulting in only skimming the surface of the topic. Third, I completely agree with the article when it says to never break up with someone over a text. Its completely pusillanimous and is something only a middle-schooler should be able to get away with. I realize that we live in a technological time and without texting/facebook/twitter/email it would be hard to stay up to date with whats going on, but everyonce in a while a good old-fashioned conversation can't hurt.


  1. AAHH Sarah! This is totally true. I think it's so crazy that people can't even talk to somebody's face anymore... They either Facebook Chat or send a text message... I do see the benefits of technological advancements... but seriously?? I think this has gone overboard. And breaking up over a text message...? Priceles. That's hilarious. But stupid at the same time.

  2. I agree with you Shannon. This has been a problem. I see it more and more. My brother has recently gotten a cell and not he never calls his friends it is always texting. I think this is a problem. I am going to try to do better.

  3. Sarah! I love this topic because I talk about it all the time. Yes, it is a lot more convenient to text or facebook someone, but I think it definitely hinders our communication skills and our confidence to only communicate that way. It is sad that our generation thinks that it is "scary" to call someone on the phone or speak to them in person. And the breaking up over text issue, as Shannon said, "Priceless!" Can we not even have enough respect to break up with someone in person?.. so silly.
