Saturday, December 5, 2009

What do Tiger Woods and Max Hall have in common?

Jason Whitlock. "Media should be ashamed for Tiger Woods coverage" 5 December 2009.

Summary: A few weeks ago tiger was seen as a "high-profile celebrity who makes a lot of money based on his good-guy image." But in just one week the media tore him apart and magnified to the world that Tiger cheated on his wife. The media's reaction to Tiger's actions is one that will do much harm to his career. But don't expect an apology from them; its what they do. The author of the article says he doesn't necessarily agree with this approach, but he's "willing to accept it, as long as [they're] honest about it and enthusiastically accept the consequences of [their] decision." The media has convinced the media that Tiger owes us an explanation.

My Opinion: This is definitely something that would keep me from being famous. Plus also the fact that I can't act or sing or influence the nation to start a war, but if i DID have one of those talents, I would have to reconsider being famous for this reason: the media can drive you INSANE! They have the power to make you sound like a saint or ruin your career. Take Max Hall for example. He makes one comment in the heat of the moment and rather than everyone focusing on the fact that BYU BEAT Utah...wait let me say that one more time...BYU BEAT Utah (dang, that sounds good), the media focused on his hate comment. The media is doing the same thing for Tiger Woods. They completely changed the world's opinion on him by capitalizing on what he did.
I'm definitely not trying to defend these athletes, however, I am trying to prove that the media has a lot of power.


  1. Yes i agree with Sarah, the media has all of this power that influences thousands of people and honestly i think that their are more important things to be talking about on the news than Tiger Woods getting in a fight with his wife. The war in Iraq possibly?

  2. Valid. Being famous is hard, because the media is always watching your every move and analyzing your life. I would also hate this and the publicity received and sometimes wonder why they get so much attention especially for their poor actions, yet these celebrities are praised and watched, so let them be an influence for good. Like the article said Tiger was so liked for his "good-guy" look. It's too bad he made this mistake, but with the pressures from the coverage of the media I wonder if he will change and try to move on.

    And on a side note, how disgusting is it that Tiger went to prostitutes when he had a beautiful wife? It wasn't even like he had one other "mistress," but he went for skanks. okay, amen.

  3. Ah, the Tiger Woods issue. First off let me say, I am genuinely happy that his wife chased him and hit his car with a golf club... good for her. Yes, I also agree that being famous would be incredibly hard. The media and the world would scrutinize everything and anything about your life. Being famous would be fun for a month but after that I am sure it would become uncontrollable and unmanageable.
    Megan, I completely agree with your side comment... His wife was a MODEL, a gorgeous model.. if she can't hold on to her husband who can?
    And Sarah, I completely agree with you about the BYU issue... let's face it, BYU BEAT Utah.. :)

  4. I agree with Sarah BIG TIME!!! This Tiger Woods thing has to stop! It's everywhere and the media just needs to let Tiger and his wife figure it out on there own. The media is really ridiculous on making everyone in the media look either really bad or this hot new idol! I'm sick of wanting to watch the sports highlights but instead I keep getting the "Tiger Woods has another mistress" Cant we just move on? Go Cougs!! :)

  5. I do think that being famous can be quite a chore, and it isn't necessarily "fair" for the media to point fingers and judge the character of people but at the end of the day, isn't that what they're there for? As a culture we have a tendency to see fault before anything else, and maybe we can blame the media for that, but maybe it's just our nature as beings that want to be better than eachother. Either way, along with being famous comes the possibility that anything you say or do could immediately be broadcast world wide and used against you. Keeping that in mind, I think it is safe to say that famous people are well warned and well aware of the side effects of negative media on their career. It is their responsibility to act accordingly and not be loose with their mouth or their actions thinking their preceeding reputation will redeem them. Their fame gives them no immunity and I have no empathy for their so-called media-induced struggles,they knowingly brought it upon themselves.

  6. I also agree with this. I think that celebrities have so much focus on them that it is hard to be true. They are human too, they make mistakes. I lost alot of respect for Tiger when i found out. He had everything in the world at his fingertips but decided to give it all up for a few moments of fun.

  7. I would agree with Taylor. Humans make mistakes, now this is kind of a really big wrong mistake (haha) but still that is something that Tiger and his wife could have figured out on their own. They did not need the whole world to know
